Implementation Guidelines for Intersectional Peer Violence Preventive Work (IGIV)
In a dynamic and diverse European society it is a challenge to work against violence and discrimination. Current research shows that risk factors for violence differ according to individual life circumstances. Violence prevention methods and tools in learning processes therefore should adapt to individual needs. The intersectional approach brings new tools to understand and to overcome the mechanisms of social hierarchies and dominance cultures by providing an analytical view on interdependency of social categories.
IGIV is based on the former EU-Daphne project PeerThink (see, which aimed at building ground for violence prevention with adolescents, systematically reflecting the interconnection of categories and other social structures. One of the results of PeerThink is the demand for practical tools and instruments. IGIV is the answer. It provides analysis tools, innovative methods, video clips, checklists, didactic instruments and a concept for a pilot training course in adult education for the specific target group of trainers and social workers working with adults and young adults in the field of violence prevention.
Organisations from Slovenia, Germany, France, Italy and Austria joined together to meet this challenge through research and the development of the following products:
IGIV realised a needs analysis with experts working in the field of diversity, violence and youth in all participating countries. The results of this study - characterised by substantial contextual differences – are summarised in Chapter 2 of the handbook. An implementation guideline for an intersectional violence preventive approach in practical educational work with adolescents will be introduced in the present handbook. The approach is treated as a mainstreaming approach on three different levels: projects, organisations and programmes.
Based on the results of the needs analysis, a toolbox for development of everyday work in the fields of violence prevention, educational and social work was developed. It includes practical analytic tools and diagnostic instruments (Toolbox).
A modularised training course – including curriculum and individual module descriptions - was developed according to European Quality Standards (EQF). Pilot training courses were conducted and evaluated in all participating countries.